How Ascent World can help you in getting ISO Certification?

How Ascent World can help you in getting ISO Certification?

ISO 9001 Requirements

ISO 9001:2000 Requirements are for a quality management system where an organization. Implementing ISO 9001 in any organization first requires the development of the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding to enable the practical application of the standard.

1. Needs to Aims the enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the service, including processes for continual improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable regulatory requirements.
2. And demonstrate its ability to consistently provide product that meets customer and applicable regulatory requirements.

All requirements of ISO 9001 International Standard are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organizations(company), regardless of types, size and product provided, Quality of produt, Services, etc.

Any requirement of ISO 9001 International Standard cannot be applied is due to the nature of an organization(company) and its product quality, this can be considered for exclusion.

Where products are made, claims of conformity to this International Standard are not acceptable unless these exclusions are limited to requirements within clause 7, and such products do not affect the organization's ability, or responsibility, to provide product that meets customer and applicable regulatory requirements.

ISO 9001 Training

Implementing ISO 9001 in any organization first requires the development of the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding to enable the practical application of the standard. At this stage organizations often seek the help of a consultant but this is often unnecessary since the required understanding can easily be sought for free.

The ISO 9001 Training section provided by ISO 9001 Checklist is intended to give any business a knowledgeable foundation that ensures their quality management system is highly robust. It could save you 0000's in consultancy fees.

The Concept behind ISO 9001 Training

ISO 9001 Training is a unique internet browser based tutorial solution that provides expert practical guidance for businesses wishing to interpret ISO 9000 fundamentals to help better understand and implement the requirements of ISO 9001:2008. It could help your business to get the most out of your quality management system, and it's free to use!

The ISO 9001 training section represents a body of knowledge which explains the requirements of the standard in plain English coupled with practical guidance and interpretation. The online ISO 9001 Training section divides the standard into four sections that follow the Plan, Do, Check and Act cycle. The page menu then subdivides each section into Principles, Base Clauses and Requirements for easy comparison. Each stage of the cycle then relates each clause of ISO 9001:2008 to the key concepts that lie at the heart of quality management.

How does it Work?

Simple, it encourages the use of the PDCA cycle as a means to implement your quality management system by prompting the user to:
PLAN your quality system's high level processes, define your quality policy and establish your quality objectives in accordance with the expected output. Consider; how will the quality management system be documented, what resources will be needed, who will have responsibility for what and how will the effectiveness of the system be evaluated and communicated.

DO carry out day-to-day activities by performing the necessary processes in accordance with any planned arrangements. Gather performance information by undertaking audits and other measurements as planned.

CHECK the results and analyse the information gathered through various measurements and monitoring activities to determine whether the quality management system has achieved what it set out to do.

ACT by using the results from internal audits, preventive actions and management reviews to ensure the continual improvement of your quality management system; continual improvement should be the organization's permanent objective.

What Happens after Implementation?

You need to choose a registrar. The registrar is a third party certification auditor who will assess your quality management system and issue a certificate if it meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2008. In choosing a registrar you should consider their industry experience, geographic coverage, price and service level offered. The key is to find a registrar who can meet your requirements. For further information regarding national accredited certification bodies, please visit UKAS.

Pre-assessment by your registrar normally takes place about 6 weeks before registration. The purpose of the pre-assessment audit is to identify areas where you may not be operating in accordance with the standard. This allows you to correct any deficiencies before registration.

Prior to registration, you should arrange an initial assessment with your registrar. At this point the registrar will review your quality management system (by interviewing staff, observing activities and checking records) to decide whether you should be recommended for registration.

Your Firm's Aspects is Indicated by ISO 9001 Training

Accreditation and certification is important for businesses these days and proving a competency can be important to gaining future contracts or orders. Some firms will only work with suppliers that are able to indicate they have a level of competency in certain areas and the best way to show this is through recognized training and accreditation. One such training program is the ISO 9001 training program, which sets out to ensure quality management is taking place.

As well as the training course, the ISO 9001 Training program can provide great assistance in continually implementing the methods and lessons developed through the course. Every firm should be able to provide a policy manual with regards to the audit process and the management system. In addition to this, a procedures manual should be created in order to inform every employee of what they should be doing in the workplace.

If further instructions are needed, it may be of benefit to gain additional assistance in creating working instructions for the ISO 9001 training program. One of the most important aspects of implementing ISO 9001 training is to ensure that a proper management structure is in place that can hopefully improve over time. There is no doubt that the business world is a very fluid place and changes occur all the time. Having a correct structure in place makes it easier to deal with changes, hopefully improving the long-term implementation and management of any system.

A major issue for any firm, especially in the current economic climate, relates to waste management and ISO 9001 training can help a firm with regards to this. Reducing waste will lower expenditure and is something that all companies should make consideration towards in their management systems. Improving the waste management system is likely to lead to an increase in gross revenue, which again is something that every firm should be aiming for.

What are the main benefits to be derived from implementing an ISO 9001 quality management system?

The ISO 9001 standards give organizations an opportunity to increase value to their activities which they do daily and by focusing on their major processes to improve their performance continually. The standards place great emphasis on making quality management systems closer to the processes of organizations and on continual improvement. As a result, they direct users to the achievement of business results, including the satisfaction of customers and other interested companies.
The management of an organization should not only able to view the adoption of the quality management system standards as a profitable business investment but also as a required certification issue.
Among the perceived benefits of using the standards are:
1. The connection of quality management systems to organizational processes
2. The encouragement of a natural progression towards improving organizational performance, via:
- The use of the Quality Management Principles
- The adoption of a "process approach" to situations.
- Emphasis of the role of top management system.
- Proper requirements for the establishment of measurable objectives at relevant functions and levels
- Being orientated toward "continual improvements" & “customer satisfaction", including the monitoring of information on "customer satisfaction" as a measure of management system performance.
- Measurement of the quality management system, processes, and product
- Consideration of statutory and regulatory requirements.
- Attention to resource availability
This are the main benefits to be derived from implementing an ISO 9001 quality management system.

Purpose of ISO 9001 Certification

As someone who is involved in the selection of suppliers and possibly, responsible for purchasing decisions, you may have seen or used goods and services that are promoted using reference to ISO 9001:2000, ISO 9001:2008, or, more simply, “ISO 9000”. What is the purpos of ISO 9000 Standards? This informative text provides some answers to these questions and will inform you about how you can get the most out of using ISO 9001 as a supply chain tool.

The International Organization for Standardization is the world's leading organization for standards development. ISO 9001 is an international standard that gives requirements for an organization’s quality management system (QMS). The organization had developed the 9000 standard for quality management certification. According to the ISO website, the ISO 9000 Quality Management system standards cover four areas:

1. Customers' quality requirements.
2. Applicable regulatory requirements.
3. Customer satisfaction.
4. Achievement of Continual Improvement of performance in pursuit of objectives.

ISO 9001 is a useful basis for organizations to be able to demonstrate that they are managing their business so as to achieve consistent (good!) quality goods and services. If you are not satisfied with the performance of your supplier, you must provide them with the appropriate feedback. Learning from complaints helps organizations to improve their future performance – that is what ISO 9001 Certification is about.

Why Are Quality Systems Important to a Firm?

ISO 9001 is the quality standard. Surely that means that it is the preserve of the quality manager in a firm. How then can it be anything to do with people? And more importantly how can it have anything to do with people management or HR?

Many people management issues in a firm can be set against the framework of ISO9001. ISO9001 is a people management standard. Who better for help achieve the standard than people management professionals.

A system is an assembly of activities that acts on something in order to achieve a result. A system has a definable set of inputs, a definable transfer function between input and output and hence a definable set of outputs. ISO9001 calls for the firm to be systematized. If achieved in the right way both lead to enhanced profits.

People crave order. Systems give order. Using ISO9001 Certification, teams can state how they will do things and then measure themselves against standards to create improvement. In essence, this means that ISO9001 gives the framework for many people management activities. Competence gaps can be identified and plugged through staff development.

Ascent World has many years of experience in managing firms to achieve and retain ISO9001 registration, ISO 9001 Consultants, ISO 9001 Certification, ISO9001 Training.

Purpose of ISO 9000 Standards

The International Organization for Standardization is the world's leading organization for standards development. The organization had developed the ISO 9000 standard for quality management certification. According to the ISO website, the ISO 9000 Quality Management system standards cover four areas:

1. Customers' quality requirements.
2. Applicable regulatory requirements.
3. Customer satisfaction.
4. Achievement of Continual Improvement of performance in pursuit of objectives.

How to get ISO 9001 Certification

ISO 9001 Certification

Quality management systems

Getting ISO 9001 Certification is a Quality Management System Standard. It applies to all types of organizations. It doesn’t matter what size they are or what they do. It can help both product and service oriented organizations achieve standards of quality that are recognized and respected throughout the world.

iso 9001 certification pricing

The ISO 9001:2008 quality certification is based on the following eight fundamental quality management principles:
  1. Customer focus
  2. Leadership
  3. Involvement of people
  4. Process approach
  5. System approach to management
  6. Continual improvement
  7. Factual approach to decision making
  8. Mutually beneficial supplier relationships

ISO 9001 Certification – Benefits

The ISO 9000 series of standards have been developed to enable organizations to have quality based management systems. This enables them to understand their customer’s requirements and improve customer satisfaction, through the review and improvement of their internal activities.
The benefits of using the standard are as follows:
  1. Improved consistency of service and product performance
  2. Higher customer satisfaction levels
  3. Improved customer perception
  4. Improved productivity and efficiency
  5. Cost reductions
  6. Improved communications, morale and job satisfaction
  7. Competitive advantage and increased marketing and sales opportunities.

Steps of getting ISO 9001 Certification

  1. System Study & GAP Analysis
  2. Documentation- Preparation of Quality Manual, Quality Procedure, Work Instructions, Formats
  3. Records Generation, Implementation and Updating
  4. Trainings- Management & Work Force Level
  5. Internal Audit & MRM
  6. Guidance through the Certification Audit
  7. Closure of the Non-Conformities raised
  8. Annual Maintenance Contract(Optional)

How can ASCENT World help to get ISO 9001 Certification?

  1. Ascent World consists of full-time trainers and iso 9001 consultants with a unique combination of manufacturing experience, business and financial expertise,
  2. A “hands-on” approach creates a recipe for our clients’ success.
  3. System Study, Documentation-ISO Quality Manual Preparation, Records Implementation, ISO 9000 Trainings, Internal Audits & MRM, ISO 9001 Certification, Guidance through a Successful Audit